Technical Workers in Heavy Engineering Corporation Limited – June 2011
Technical Workers in Heavy Engineering Corporation Limited (HEC Ltd) has issued notification at their site www.hecltd.com for recruitment of technical workers – Advertisement No. RT/ 04 /2011.
1. Machinist – 145.
2. Turner – 81.
3. Fitter – 44.
4. Rigger cum Crane Operator – 43.
5. Electrician – 36.
6. Moulder – 10.
7. Welder – 9.
8. Forgeman cum Blacksmith – 3.
9. Operator Gas Plant – 8.
10. Boiler Attendant – 3.
Total: 382 Posts.
Qualification: (i) Class Xth or Matriculation and (ii) Industrial Training Institute (ITI) or All India Trade Test for Apprentices pass(National Apprenticeship Certificate – NAC). For Boiler Attendant, certificate of service under Boiler Attendants’ Rules is also required.
Experience: Min. 3 yrs of working experience.
If you want to apply, send your application in the prescribed manner to The Senior Manager (P&A) / Hqrs, HEC Ltd, Plant Plaza Road, Dhurwa, Ranchi – 834004, India. Last date: 30/06/2011.
For details, please visit: http://www.hecltd.com/hec_jobs.html
Tags: Machinist, Ranchi, Sarkari Naukri, Turner
Career In Human Rights and Jobs Opportunities in Government Sector Read more: Career In Human Rights and Jobs Opportunities in Government Sector http
When a child is born, then right from his birth he acquires some right. But that’s the stage when he or she doesn’t have the sense to understand those rights. But as we grow up we come to know some of our rights through our education. But some even don’t know their basic rights due to dearth of knowledge and awareness. In fact there has been continuous violation of human rights in matters related to social, economics, civil etc.
For those who want to make a career in Human Right one has to have a detailed knowledge of laws related in this field with requisite work experience which can be gained only through services to the society on a voluntary basis or by working under an organization through an internship program. But there is no starting point to make a career in this field.
There are immense opportunities available to an individual in human rights from government sector both at state and central level to international level and non governmental organizations including non profit seeking organizations. This one of the most challenging jobs with a satisfaction one would not be able to find in any job.
As mentioned earlier that there is no specific entry level in such kind of a field as the scope of this field is very extensive yet a bachelor degree is adequate for entry into such a field in which job designation varies such as researchers, assistant coordinator, communication assistants etc with working experience playing an important role. So the area of this field is very wide and anyone can make money out it provided one has the desire to work in human right otherwise without any interest it will be difficult for anybody to make a career in this field. Under graduate students too can make career in human rights and even be a part of government system.
People with masters degree can get a job of mainly administrative, management, or reporting type such as the project manager, writer, legal advocate etc. But it is to be understood that such kind of a job not only requires knowledge but also skills like communication skills, oratory skills, association skills, research skills, promotional skills etc. He must also possess the hunger to take up responsibility as it mainly involves works which are high on responsibility and must also be fearless.
There are various organization who are actively involved in human right activities and who constantly hire professionals such as the Amnesty International, One World, Amicus, Human Right Watch, British Institute Of Human Rights, United Nations Human Rights, Institute for Global Communication, International Rescue Committee, Oxfam International, UNICEF etc to name a few.
Now as far as the government jobs are concerned there is plethora of options available in this field. But has to identify his strengths and weaknesses and take a move towards this field. The work opportunities available in government job depends a lot more on the qualification one possesses with the relevant experience in this field. Jobs in government sector may vary from a position of a clerk, personal assistant, section officer or inspector in the National Human Rights Commission to the position of a lawyer who advocates on human rights.
Advantages of Government Jobs Over Other Sectors
This makes it much easier, less cumbersome and speeds up the entire process. Also the chances of counterfeiting are greatly minimized through the use of passwords and the like. In such a set up it is necessary that the employees in any bank are computer literate so that they are able to handle such situations. A public sector banks are those banks which are either run by, or owned by, or controlled by the Government of India. Certain examples would be The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), The State Bank of India (SBI), Allahabad Bank, Andhra Bank, Punjab National Bank (PNB), UCO Bank, etc. A private Sector Bank on the other hand is privately owned organizations with the government having no say in the management. However, for the smooth functioning of the economy, all private sector banks come under the aegis of the rules and regulations set by the government of India and it is through this means that the policies of such banks are controlled by the government. When computers were first introduced, especially in the public sector banks (government owned banks) the workings were actually seen to get slower as the old employees were not well versed with the new technology.
This, however, posed a new problem for bank job hopefuls. Certain banks recognized any certificate. Yet, certain others would only accept Government recognized courses. The private sector banks, however, make it compulsory for any recruit to be computer literate as they are almost completely computerized.
The next question that was raised was that of skills. What skills or programs must a bank job hopeful acquire before he is eligible for such a job? The banks, therefore, framed a core course. Banks these days expect certificate in Computer Awareness and Office Automation Course. This course teaches basics like DOS, MS Office, Internet and E-mail. In other words, the things one might require getting through the general work required of a bank employee. In addition, knowledge of certain financial software is also required. The topmost financial institute in the country is the Government’s very own reserve bank. It is actually the Government’s bank and does not do much business with individuals. The RBI recruits to 3 cadres: Clerical Grade, Grade an officers and Grade B officers who are responsible for the workings of the bank. To begin with, the clerks work in the cash department as examiners of coins and notes. Once they complete 5-10 years they become eligible for the requisite exam so as to compete for promotion to the next level. There is also another exam open to Graduates, Post Graduates, CA’s, MBA’s in the 21-26 years of age group for recruitment to Class I posts. The examination is in 3 parts, which test General Mental Ability, English Language Skills, Knowledge of Economics and Social skills, respectively. Those selected must then appear for an interview which is the deciding factor.
Yes, it is true that government jobs shall be definitely ranked private sector jobs and recent economic instability has clarified this fact and brought the truth in front of us.
The Importance of Government Jobs in India
Jobs have become a synonym for the word “scarcity”. Yes, it is true that finding a job I not that simple as it was some time ago. A person has to go through rigorous preparation in order to apply for the jobs. Government jobs assure full isolation from economic cataclysm but at the end of the day all the youth wants new openings.
Any government interview is not much different. However, in the case of a government interview, any one candidate’s recruitment depends on a number of factors – written tests, group discussions and also interview, so it is important to keep in mind that each and every part of the long procedure is equally important. Nowadays Banks all over India have extended their applications to online portals. As such, the same holds true for the year 2011-2012 as well. Different banks hold common entrance tests. These tests are mainly held by the Banking Service Recruitment Boards. This, of course applies only to the government banks.
Thereafter, the interviewers concentrate on the resume that they have. If a candidate has mentioned previous work experience, he might be asked about these experiences in details and what he brings away from these experiences. Also, how such experiences might help him to do the job at hand better. In case a candidate cites that he is already employed, he might be asked about his job, and its prospects as opposed to the job for which he is interviewing. Candidates have also been known to have had to tackle questions regarding their changeover. For instance, a doctor who had been interviewing for the job of an IAS officer had been asked why she wanted to change. It is essential that one not give clichéd answers.
The corporate side deals In Investments, such as Mutual Funds and direct investment in stocks and shares. There are the jobs such as Business Development, Financial Advice, and Business Analysis as it is vital for the banks to secure a customer base, and to ensure that these customers are properly serviced. There is also a need for Fund Managers who ensure that the investments made by the customers yield good returns. Help in Tax Planning for the customer is also an important aspect in such jobs. Almost all banks these days provide credit facilities in the form of credit cards. Managing these credit accounts is an important job. Even more important is the processing of credit card applications. It is important to note that the interview hardly ever includes questions or topics which have already been dealt with in the written tests. The interview, instead, seeks to ascertain a candidate’s interest in the general happening around him, both in his country as well as over the world. Questions are also sometimes asked on a candidate’s hobbies, to find his interests other than in the specified fields. It is important for a person to have a well rounded personality, rather than being interested in narrow concerns.
How to Get a Clerk Job in Government Sector? Read more: How to Get a Clerk Job in Government Sector? http://www.sarkarinaukri.net/how-to-get-a-clerk-
Vacancies in Government jobs are advertised in various newspapers. The criterion for application is a graduation degree from any recognized university with a minimum of 40% score (35% for SC/ST and OBC). It is apparent therefore that hundreds of applicants compete with each for these posts. But only a few among these hundreds of applicants are actually recruited.
The actual recruitment process takes place in the form of competitive exams. The recruitment of Indian Administrative Services (IAS) officials is carried out through the Civil Service Exam held by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Public sector banks also hold similar examinations for the purpose of recruitment: the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) holds the All India Exam, and the Central Recruitment Board (SBI) undertakes the Probationary Officers’ Exam.
Most banks hold clerical exams to recruit clerks. The eligibility criteria for the post of clerk are:
A Graduation degree from any recognized university in any discipline with minimum marks of 40%.
An aggregate of 50% marks the Plus Two Exam or its Equivalent Examination.
Pass with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks in School Final Examination.
The criterion for individual banks may vary. The actual examination tests the candidates’ Reasoning and Numerical Ability, Clerical Aptitude and his/her mastery over the English language. Therefore, aspiring bank clerks need basic skills in typing, and book-keeping. They also need excellent communication skills, as follows from their job profile. These are merely the basic skills required for a bank clerk. They are trained in the more specific jobs after they are recruited. Hence, sometimes recruiters also visit high schools in order to recruit clerks.
English has become an integral part of any job and fluency at this particular language is also required in bank clerk jobs. Even though this part of the exam seems easy, it is actually not. The questions are tricky and all the answers –especially in the grammar and comprehension part – seem correct. Therefore, to crack the English test one must have a strong grip over the nuances of the language itself. The points that need to be remembered are:
Grammatical Errors – Most applicants lose marks in this segment due to grammatical errors. A simple grammatical defect in a sentence can change the entire meaning of it. The best way to avoid these careless errors is to play the sentences in your head before actually penning them. This reduces the possibility of mistakes and enhances your grammar as well. Therefore, you must devote sufficient time in polishing your grammar skills.
Spelling Mistakes – Spelling errors play a key role in marring your answers. Careless spelling errors leave a bad impression on the examiner. Your essay or article should be rich in vocabulary, use words that are uncommon. But you must take every precaution to avoid spelling errors. Constant reading and writing in the language can cure your spelling errors, while at the same time, enrich your vocabulary.
Sentence Construction – Another important factor to be remembered is your sentence construction. If your sentence construction skills are poor, no amount of articulation will convey your thoughts to the examiner. Extensive reading and writing in English alone can better your sentence construction.
Project Engineers (PE), Senior Project Engineers (SPE) in C-DAC – June 2011
C-DAC, Knowledge Park (KP), Bangalore has issued notification at their site www.cdacb.in for the post of Project Engineers (PE) & Senior Project Engineers (SPE).
1. Project Engineers (PE) – 20.
2. Senior Project Engineers (SPE) – 6.
If you want to apply, send your application in the prescribed manner to The Head HRD, C-DAC, Knowledge Park, #1, Old Madras Road, Opposite to HAL Aero Engine Division, Byappanahalli, Bangalore – 560 038, Karnataka, India up to 29/06/2011.
For details, please visit:
Important Notice for Bank Job Seekers!
While working as a Bank Probationary officer a person is basically prepared to manage the usual duties of any bank officer, such as accounting, marketing, finance, investment as well as billing. As a result, it is necessary that one try to understand the work and make the most of the exposure when working as a Bank Probationary Officer.
As the post of a Bank Probationary officer mainly for the purpose of training, they might be given jobs in all the various departments that are integrated into a bank. These may include the mortgage and finance divisions and the Loan Department. As such the Bank Probationary Officer is also expected to bring some positive development into the workings of the bank. They are also responsible for handling customer complaints and disputes. These skills come in handy as once promoted, a Bank Probationary Officer’s job involves Customer Care. As such, for these purposes, a Bank Probationary Officer must be resourceful and have good communication skills and the ability to handle difficult situations in a calm and composed fashion.
A bank clerk is also known as a ‘bank teller’. A bank teller is basically a person who deals with and customers directly. Hence they are also considered to be ‘front line’ members of the banking world. The entire banking industry regulates the economy and the industry itself is consisted of minute transactions at various levels. Bank clerks are present and responsible for each of these transactions. The following is a list of the roles played by a regular bank clerk.
Clerks are responsible for the accounting of Cash Deposits in each branch.
They regulate and notify the bank of the deposits and withdrawals affected by the customers.
Clerks are also responsible for issuing checks, traveler’s vouchers, money orders and the like.
It is the bank clerks who collect payment of various customer services provided by the banks.
Since the customers come into direct contact with bank clerks, they are informed about the new products and features endorsed by the financial institution.
The clerks provide Business Referrals to Businesses and personnel.
They are also responsible for the balancing of ATMs therefore undertaking some of the key operations.
Over and above these, clerks resolve customer issues such as confusions regarding bank policies.
They also provide excellent opinion on the facilities maintained by the bank, be it a new insurance policy or investment scheme.
Therefore, a bank clerk bears most of the load in the banking operations. They deal with an immense amount of cash and must be very trustworthy. Given their constantly evolving roles, bank clerks have a constant need for adapting newer technologies. The functions of a clerk are no longer restricted to the maintenance of a ledger. Their roles have become much more complex. They need to remain calm and controlled all the time, especially while dealing with customers. The reputation of the bank is directly related to the efficiency of bank clerks.
Teaching: The Noblest Career, Find Opportunities in the Government Sector Read more: Teaching: The Noblest Career, Find Opportunities in the Governme
Teaching is considered as one of the noblest professions. It contributes to the social and economic development of the nation more than any other. In today’s times, the education sector generates a very large number of jobs. The continuous increase in the population, the commitment of the government to develop the education system and the need of the day for increasing the educational standards promises a multifold increase in the opportunities in this sector.
The teaching sector is divided in groups like Nursery Teachers, Primary Teachers, Post Graduate (senior level) teachers, College Teachers which includes Jr. Lecturers, lecturers, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Readers etc. The diversification of higher education and launching of new courses have led to many new jobs like Technical and Engineering faculty jobs, Computers and IT faculty jobs, Science, Math, English teachers, tuition masters, Montessori teachers, multimedia teachers, graphics teachers, Robotics, martial arts, Fine arts, PT and Sports teachers.
The teaching sector of Indian government is popular aiming the educated youth. The demand for teachers is increasing day-by-day. The timings are comfortable, holidays are more than any other job, salary is quiet respectable. All these facilities and benefits make it the most sought career by the females. School teaching can be made as a career after the bachelor’s degree. However there is a need to go for the B.Ed. qualification too. For senior level school teaching, the candidate needs to have B.Ed. qualification along with post graduate degree. To become a college teacher, it’s essential to be a master degree holder and qualify the NET (National Eligibility Test) which is conducted by UGC (University Grant Commission).
The teacher needs to be responsible, good natured, able to take the strain and enjoy being with kids. Even if the job is from early morning till afternoon, it requires more skill and power than any other jobs. All the management skills of the teacher are also tested.
The openings are advertised from time to time in the newspapers and the government websites. The job portals are also a good place to look for current opening. The usual time for openings is the start of the session. The months from March till August are most crucial for the candidates seeking jobs in this sector. You’ll need to keep your eyes open. Scan the national dailies, even the local ones, and the internet and keep checking on the individual websites of the government institutes like the Kendriya Vidyalaya etc.
Private vs Public Sector Bank Jobs
A public sector banks are those banks which are either run by, or owned by, or controlled by the Government of India. Certain examples would be The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), The State Bank of India (SBI), Allahabad Bank, Andhra Bank, Punjab National Bank(PNB), UCO Bank, etc. A private Sector Bank on the other hand is privately owned organizations with the government having no say in the management. However, for the smooth functioning of the economy, all private sector banks come under the aegis of the rules and regulations set by the government of India and it is through this means that the policies of such banks are controlled by the government. Some examples would be HSBC Bank, ICICI Bank, IDBI Bank, Axis Bank, etc. In terms of recruitment and jobs too, they have different procedures and policies.
public vs private banks
The topmost financial institute in the country is the Government’s very own reserve bank. It is actually the Government’s bank and does not do much business with individuals. The RBI recruits to 3 cadres: Clerical Grade, Grade an officers and Grade B officers who are responsible for the workings of the bank. To begin with, the clerks work in the cash department as examiners of coins and notes. Once they complete 5-10 years they become eligible for the requisite exam so as to compete for promotion to the next level. There is also another exam open to Graduates, Post Graduates, CA’s, MBA’s in the 21-26 years of age group for recruitment to Class I posts. The examination is in 3 parts, which test General Mental Ability, English Language Skills, Knowledge of Economics and Social skills, respectively. Those selected must then appear for an interview which is the deciding factor.
Other nationalized or public sector banks recruit through the Banking Service Recruitment Boards (BSRBs). They advertise in newspapers and the employment news so as to get candidates who must then sit for a written test. This test consists of objective questions on Test of Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness, English Language and a non-objective portion called the Descriptive Test.
The Private sector banks, mainly foreign banks. They recruit through interviews held in the premier management institutes, from among finance professionals such as Chartered Accountants, Cost and Works Accountants and Chartered Financials Analysts, from the premier management institutes and from public sector commercial banks.
An employee of a public sector bank has the aim to do a good job so that he is up for promotions. However, such a job has the usual security that one associates with any Government job. There are perks involved and many schemes even after retirement. As opposed to this, any employee in a private sector bank has to constantly push the boundaries. He is only as good as the work he does and his career depends on this. As a result, the private sector banks are constantly looking for more dynamic and competitive professionals, more so than the public sector banks.
Read more: Private vs Public Sector Bank Jobs
Project Engineers (PE), Senior Project Engineers (SPE) in C-DAC – June 2011
C-DAC, Knowledge Park (KP), Bangalore has issued notification at their site www.cdacb.in for the post of Project Engineers (PE) & Senior Project Engineers (SPE).
1. Project Engineers (PE) – 20.
2. Senior Project Engineers (SPE) – 6.
If you want to apply, send your application in the prescribed manner to The Head HRD, C-DAC, Knowledge Park, #1, Old Madras Road, Opposite to HAL Aero Engine Division, Byappanahalli, Bangalore – 560 038, Karnataka, India up to 29/06/2011.
For details, please visit:
Oil India Limited Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST Candidates – June 2011
Oil India Limited has issued notification at their site www.oil-india.com to fill up the following posts (Only for SC/ST category).
1. Executive Trainee (Mechanical Engineering) – 8.
2. Executive Trainee (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) – 6.
3. Executive Trainee (Reservoir Engineering) – 5.
4. Executive Trainee (Chemical) – 6.
5. Assistant Land Officer – 1.
If you want to apply, send your completed application form along with a recent passport size photograph enclosing attested copies of certificates and mark sheets in support of qualification, age, cast, experience etc. by ordinary post only to Head – Personnel, Oil India Limited, Duliajan – 786602, Assam, India latest by 20/07/2011.
For details, please visit:
Executive Director vacancy in SEBI – June 2011
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has issued notification at their site www.sebi.gov.in for the post of Executive Director on contract / deputation basis.
1. Executive Director – 04.
(1 Legal, 3 General).
If you want to apply, sent your applications in the prescribed format by ordinary post in a cover superscribing the post applied for ‘SEBI – application for the post of Executive Director- General/legal’ to Deputy General Manager (HRD), SEBI, Plot No.C4-A, “G” Block Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051so as to reach latest by 01/07/2011.
Send your applications in the prescribed format through e-mail at recruitment@sebi.gov.in latest by 01/07/2011.
For details, please visit:
Receptionist, Junior Clerk, Junior Typist, Driver vacancy (Kerala PSC) – June 2011
Kerala Public Service Commission has issued notification at their site www.keralapsc.org inviting online applications for the following posts – Gazette Date: 15/06/2011.
1. Receptionist/PBX Operator in Apex Societies of Co-operative Sector in Kerala.
2. Receptionist/PBX Operator (Society Category) in The Kerala State Co-operative Bank Limited.
3. Junior Clerk in Apex Societies of Co-operative Sector in Kerala.
4. Junior Clerk (Society Category) in Kerala State Co-operative Housing Federation Ltd.
5. Junior Typist in Apex Societies of Co-operative Sector in Kerala.
6. Junior Typist (Society Category) in Kerala State Co-operative Housing Federation Ltd.
7. Driver Grade II (Society Category) in Kerala State Co-operative Housing Federation Ltd.
8. Receptionist Cum Telephone Operator in Foam Mattings (India) Limited.
9. Maintenance Assistant (Mechanical) in Foam Mattings (India) Limited.
10. PABX Operator cum Receptionist in The Kerala Agro Industries Corporation Limited.
11. Agricultural Officer in Agriculture.
12. HSST English (Senior) in HSE.
13. HSST Mathematics in HSE.
14. Vocational Teacher (Refrigeration & Air Conditioning) in VHSE.
15. HSST Arabic (Junior) in HSE.
16. HSST Arabic (Junior) in HSE.
17. Reporter Grade II (Malayalam) in Legislature Secretariat.
Apply online @ website www.keralapsc.org.
Last Date: 20/07/2011.
For details, please visit:
Graduate Apprentice, Technician Apprentice, Trade Apprentice in NFL – June 2011
National Fertilizers Limited (NFL) has issued notification at their site www.nationalfertilizers.com inviting applications for Graduate Apprentice, Technician Apprentice and Trade Apprentice – Advt No. NFVP/01/2011.
1. Graduate Apprentice – 8.
2. Technician Apprentice – 11.
3. Technician Apprentice (Vocational) – 2.
4. Trade Apprentice – 6.
5. Trade Apprentice (Attendant Optr – Chemical Plant) – 4.
If you want to apply, send your complete Bio-data in the prescribed format along with photocopies of all certificates in support of age, qualification, and attested copy of SC / ST / OBC / Disability certificate in the prescribed proforma to Chief Manager (P&A), NFL, Vijaipur – 473111, Dist. Guna (MP). Last Date: 30/06/2011.
For details, please visit:
Scientist, Engineer Jobs in Institute for Plasma Research – June 2011
Institute for Plasma Research has issued notification (ADVT. NO. 08/2011) at their site www.ipr.res.in inviting applications for the posts of :
1. Accounts Officer – II – 1.
2. Scientist / Engineer – SD or Scientist / Engineer – SC – 1.
3. Engineer – SC (Mechanical) (Workshop) / TBM) – 1.
4. Scientist (Project) – 1.
5. Scientist (Project) – 3.
6. Scientist (Project) (Chemistry) – 1.
7. Engineer (Project ) (Mechanical) – 1.
If you want to apply, send your typed application on A4 size paper in the prescribed format with one recent passport size photograph duly affixed on the right hand top corner of the application along with copies of testimonials in support of Qualification and Work Experience, etc. should reach The Acting Chief Administrative Officer, Institute for Plasma Research, Near Indira Bridge, Bhat Village, Dist. Gandhinagar – 382 428 on or before 30/06/2011. The envelope should be strictly superscribed with Advt. No. and Post Applied for.
For details, please visit:
Jobs at Shikshan Sevak D.Ed. B.Sc.B.Ed., Jr. College, Adhyapak College
Jobs at Shikshan Sevak D.Ed. B.Sc.B.Ed., Jr. College, Adhyapak College
Jobs at Rayat Shikshan Sanstha Asst. Professor for BCA,B.Sc.,BBA courses
Candidates are invited for ‘Walk-in-Interview’ for the various posts of Asstt. Professor for , BCA ,B.Sc.(Computer Science), B.Sc (Bio-Technology) & BBA courses in Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s various non-aided colleges affiliated to the University of Pune , Pune, Following are the details of the posts to be filled in.
Sr.No. Designation Total Posts Qualification F.T. CHB 1 Asstt. Professor in Computer Science for B.Sc (Computer Science) 16 - MCA/MCM or M.Sc.(Comp.Sci.) 2
Asstt. Professor in Computer Application for B.C.A 24 1 MCA/MCM or M.Sc.(Comp.Sci.) 3 Asstt. Professor in Mathematics for
B.Sc (Computer Science)/B.C.A.3 - M.Sc.with B+ 4 Asstt. Professor in S tatistics for B.Sc (Computer Science) /B.C.A 1 - M.Sc.with B+ 5 Asstt. Professor in Commerce for B.C.A 2 - M.Com with B + 6 Asstt. Professor in English for B.Sc (Computer Science) /B.C.A. 1 1 M.A. with B+ 7 Asstt. Professor in Electronics for B.Sc (Computer Science) /B.C.A. 3 - M.Sc.with B+ 8 Asstt. Professor in Bio-Technology. 4
M.Sc. Bio-Technology With good academic record. 9 Asstt. Professor in Instrument ional Bio-Physics 1 - M.Sc. Bio-Physics With good academic record. 10 Asstt. Professor in Micro-Biology. 1 - M.Sc. Micro-Biology. With good academic record 11 Asstt. Professor in Bio- Chemistry (For Bio-tech.) 4 - M.Sc. Bio-Chemistry With good academic record. 12 Computer Software 1 - MCA/MCM or M.Sc.(Comp.Sci.) 13 Asstt. Professor in Business Administration 4 - MBA These posts are non- grantable.
Note :-“ The number of vacancies mentioned above may be changed due to any reason”
1)Candidates will have to attend the interview alongwith their application on plain papers addressed to Secretary, Rayat Shikshan Sanstha,Satara with full details such as Full Name, address cast, date of birth, educational qualification.
2)Application must be enclosed with the two certified photocopies sets of the original documents pertaining to Educational qualification, Date of Birth, Caste and the Cast validity certificates.
3)Candidates must have to produce all original documents at the time of interview.
4)The Walk-in-interviews will be held at Bharatratna Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar
Mahavidyalaya, Aundhgoan, Pune. On 26 / 06 /2011 at 9.00 a.m.onwards.
5)Candidates have to attend the interview at their own expenses.
6)As the posts are purely temporary for the academic year, Candidates shall not have any claim on these posts in future.
7)The qualification required for above posts should be as per rules prescribed by Govt. of Maharashtra and the University of Pune , Pune , from time to time.
M.Ed. Admission Process 2011-12 Application Fee
Admission Form, CET Examination and Admission Process Fee:
1. Rs 800/- for Open category and Outside Maharashtra all category Candidates.
2. Rs. 400/- for the Backward Class candidates from the Maharashtra State (SC, ST, VJ,NT-1, NT-2, NT-3, OBC, SBC)
(For backword category candidate will have to produce relevant certificate of their category.)
Note: No additional fee will be charged for more than one type of Admission (70%, 28%, and 2%, quota) /Medium.
M.Ed. Admission Process 2011-12 Reservations for different categories
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Caste persons who have adopted Buddhism (SC)
Scheduled Tribe (ST)
De- notified Tribes (14 similar tribes) (VJ/DT) A
Nomadic Tribes (28 tribes before January 1990 and similar tribes) (NT-1) B
Nomadic Tribes (Dhanagar and Similar Tribes) (NT- 2) C
Nomadic Tribes (Vanjari and Similar Tribes ) (NT-3) D
Other Backward Class (OBC
M.Ed. Admission Process 2011-12
Sr.No. Activity Schedule First Date Last Date 1 Sale and Submission of Brochure 16-May-2011 At 9:00 AM 31-May-2011 At 5:00 PM 2 Distribution of Admit Cards 06-Jun-2011 At 9:00 AM 10-Jun-2011 At 5:00 PM 3 Common Entrance Test 10-Jun-2011 At 11:00 AM 10-Jun-2011 At 12:00 PM 4 Common Entrance Test Result and Distribution of Scorecard 30-Jun-2011 At 3:00 PM 30-Jun-2011 At 5:00 PM 5 Eligible candidate in Academic & CET score shall fill the form preferential order form or the colleges of their choice 01-Jul-2011 At 9:00 AM 15-Jul-2011 At 5:00 PM 6 Issuing Provisional Admit letters to candidates provisionally Admitted in 70%, 28%, 2% quota 25-Jul-2011 At 9:00 AM 29-Jul-2011 At 5:00 PM 7 Admitted students Report to concern college and finalize the Admission 25-Jul-2011 At 9:00 AM 30-Jul-2011 At 5:00 PM 8 Publishing college wise list of admitted candidates in 70%, 28%, 2% Quota on website. 25-Jul-2011 At 3:00 PM 25-Jul-2011 At 3:00 PM 9 Issuing Provisional Admit letters to candidates provisionally Admitted in 70%, 28%, 2% quota. 06-Aug-2011 At 9:00 AM 11-Aug-2011 At 5:00 PM 10 Admitted students Report to concern college and finalize the Admission (Within College office Hours) 06-Aug-2011 At 9:00 AM 12-Aug-2011 At 5:00 PM 11 Publishing College wise list of admitted candidates in 70%, 28%, 2% quota 06-Aug-2011 At 3:00 PM 06-Aug-2011 At 3:00 PM 12 College-level admissions from Waiting list For the remaining vacant seats in the college (all vacant Seats will be converted into 70%) (College Level -Waiting List Round) 18-Aug-2011 At 12:00 AM 30-Aug-2011 At 12:00 AM
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After registration, your own login id and your own password is generated.
Using your own login id and your own password, you can apply online.
At any point of time, if you face difficulty / hindrance in completing the online processes, please feel free to contact us at +91 253 2231714 extn no. 3006 or on 94208- 89915 and/or by e-mail to ybed2011@yahoo.in.
Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati M.Sc. (Biotechnology) Admission Important Dates
Sr No.
Date and Time
Opening of online application forms
2nd May 2011
Last date of online application and printing of forms
08th June 2011
Last date of receipt of application form at CASU office by post/courier
10th June 2011 upto 05:00 PM
Online generation of admit cards for downloading
11th June 2011
Date of online examination
18 and 19th June 2011
Declaration of result on website
20th June 2011
Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati M.Sc. (Biotechnology) Admission
- Before filling online application please draw a DD of Rs. 750 for Open category and Rs. 500 for reserved category in favour of “Registrar, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University”, payable at Amravati” from any nationalized bank OR make payment of the application fee in cash in Amravati University and acquire payment receipt.
- Please click on “Apply Online” link available on the left side of this page.
- Your login id and password will be generated after registration.
- Please note down your login id and password for all future correspondence.
- Using this login id and password, you can apply online and print the completed application form.
- Fill the complete online application form and take the print.
- Please note that once printed, you will not be able to edit any information.
- Before filling the online application form, please keep ready soft copy of one latest passport size color photograph and a scanned soft copy of your signature.
- Attach DD or Fee receipt (if payment is made in cash) and required documents to application form.
- Send the form in A4 size envelope by Courier/Registered post/by hand to
Chairman, Biotech entrance committee, CASU office, Vidyarthi Bhawan, SGB Amravati University, Amravati: 444602.
Sr. No. Post Name Eligibility Faculty Work Experience Additional eligibility 1 First -Technical Officer Computer B.E(Computer) OR Post graduate degree (Computers) 3 years experience of Officer level in the Banking industry N/A 2 Second Grade M.Com + GDC&A + MS-CIT passed 5 years experience of Officer level in the Banking industry Minimum 60% marks in Mcom 3 Junior Officer M.Com + GDC&A + MS-CIT passed 3 years experience of Officer level in the Banking industry Minimum 60% marks in MCom 4 Clerical Any Graduate + MS-CIT passed N/A Minimum 55% marks in graduation B.Com+MS-CIT passed N/A Minimum 50% marks in graduation
Temporary Teachers vacancy in University of Hyderabad Campus School – May 2011
University of Hyderabad Campus School (UHCS) has issued notification at their site www.uohyd.info for the following posts of Temporary Teachers – Recruitment NO. 1/2011.
1. PGT (Biology) – 1.
2. PGT (Commerce) – 1.
3. TGT (Science) – 1.
4. PRT – 9 + 1.
You may apply in the prescribed application form on or before 25/05/2011.
For details please visit:
Indian Bank Recruitment of Specialist Officers – May 2011
Indian Bank has issued notification at their site www.indianbank.in for the recruitment of Specialist Officers.
1. Chief Manager (Technology Management) – 1.
2. Chief Dealer (Treasury) – 1.
3. Chartered Accountant – 1.
4. Forex / Domestic / Derivative Dealers – 4.
You may apply online between 11/05/2011 and 03/06/2011 through Bank’s website www.indianbank.in.
For details please visit:
Saptagiri Grameena Bank Recruitment of Officer, Office Assistants – May 2011
Saptagiri Grameena Bank has issued notification at their site www.saptagirigrameenabank.in for appointment as Officer Scale I, Officer Scale II & Office Assistant.
1. Officer Scale-II – 4.
2. Officer Scale-I – 18.
3. Office Assistants – 58.
You may apply online through Bank’s website www.saptagirigrameenabank.in from 18/05/2011 to 10/06/2011.
For details please visit:
SBI Recruitment of 1000 Probationary Officers – May 2011
State Bank of India (SBI) has issued notification at their site www.sbi.co.in for recruitment of Probationary Officers (POs) – ADVERTISEMENT NO. CRPD/PO/ 2011-12/01.
1. Post: Probationary Officers.
Total Vacancies: 1000.
(SC 150, ST 75, OBC 270, GEN 505)
Qualification: Graduation.
You may apply online through Bank’s website www.sbi.co.in from 18/05/2011 to 09/06/2011.
For details please visit:
Company Secretary vacancy in Meghalaya Energy Corporation Limited – May 2011
Meghalaya Energy Corporation Limited (MeECL) has issued notification at their site www.meseb.nic.in for filling up temporary posts of Company Secretary.
Post: Company Secretary.
Qualification: Associate Member of Institute of Company Secretaries of India with min. 5 yrs experience & proficiency in Computer operations.
You may apply in the prescribed manner to the Director Corporate Affairs, Meghalaya Energy Corporation Limited Secretariat Lumjingshai, Short Round Road, Shillong – 793 001, India upto 17:00 hrs of 22/06/2011.
For details please visit:
Various vacancies in HPCL Biofuels Limited – May 2011
HPCL Biofuels Limited has issued notification at their site www.hpclbiofuels.co.in for recruitment to the following posts.
1. General Manager (Location Head) – 2.
2. Plant Manager (Sugar) – 2.
3. Plant Manager (Ethanol) – 2.
4. Plant Manager (Co-gen) – 2.
5. Production Manager – 1.
6. Chief Engineer (Plant) – 2.
7. Manager (Finance) – 1.
8. Manager (HR) – 1.
9. Manager (Instrumentation) – 2.
10. Manager (SHE) – 2.
11. Senior Analyst / Quality Control Officer – 2.
12. HR Officer – 3.
13. Accounts Officer – 5.
You may apply in the specified manner to PO Box No 126, Patna G.P.O., Patna – 800 001, Bihar, India so as to reach latest by 06/06/2011.
For details please visit:
Various Jobs in CDAC Pune – May 2011
IT Jobs
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) has issued notification at their site www.cdac.in for the following posts:
Software Development:
1. Software Developer – 01.
2. Software Development and Support – 01.
3. Software Developer – 10.
4. Software Developer – 01.
5. Software Developer – 01.
Web Development:
1. Web Developer – 10.
Web Design:
1. Web Designer – 04.
2. Web Designer – 01.
Patent Engineer:
1. Patent Engineer – 01.
2. Senior Patent Engineer – 01.
Scientific Computing:
1. Project Engineer – 01.
2. Project Engineer – 02.
3. Junior Research Fellow – 02.
4. Research Associate – 01.
1. Project Engineer – Geomatics – 06.
Desktop Maintenance:
1. Desktop Maintenance – 01.
1. Marketing Executive – 01.
Multi Functional Support:
1. Multifunctional Support Staff – 05.
You may apply online via website www.cdac.in. Last date: May 30, 2011, 6 PM.
For details please visit:
BSNL Recruitment of Telecom Technical Assistants (TTAs) – May 2011
BSNL Bihar Telecom Circle has issued notification at their site www.bihar.bsnl.co.in for the recruitment of Telecom Technical Assistants (TTAs).
Post: Telecom Technical Assistants (TTAs).
Total Vacancies: 171.
You may submit your applications complete in all respects to AGM (Estt) O/o The Chief General Manager Telecom, Bihar Telecom Circle, Sanchar Sadan, Budh Marg, Patna – 800 001, India on or before June 15, 2011.
For details please visit:
Andhra Bank Recruitment of Specialist Officers – May 2011
Andhra Bank has issued notification at their site www.andhrabank.in for the recruitment of Specialist Officers.
1. Technical Officers MMGS-II – 30.
2. Technical Officers MMGS-III – 15.
3. Law Officers MMGS-II – 10.
4. Security Officers MMGS-II – 20.
5. HR Officers with Law MMGS-II – 8.
6. IT Officers MMGS-II – 20.
7. IT Officers MMGS-III – 10.
8. Chief Information Security Officers SMGS-IV – 1.
9. Chartered Accountants MMGS-II – 10.
10. Chartered Accounts MMGS-III – 5.
11. Corporate Communication Officers MMGS-II – 2.
12. Official Language Officers JMGS-I – 10.
You may apply online through Bank’s website www.andhrabank.in from 21/05/2011 to 09/06/2011.
For details please visit:
Project Assistant Jobs in Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune – May 2011
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) has issued notification at their site www.tropmet.res.in for the Post of Project Assistant on Contract Basis – Advertisement No: PER/08/2011 dt. 16 May 2011.
Post: Project Assistant.
No. of Posts: 10.
You may apply in the prescribed format to the Administrative Officer of the Institute either by Post / Courier / Mail (admadv@tropmet.res.in) by 30/06/2011.
For details please visit:
Stipendiary Trainees vacancy in BARC, Kalpakkam – May 2011
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) has issued notification at their site www.barc.gov.in for the Post of Stipendiary Trainees (Category II) for training in BARC Facilities, Kalpakkam – Advertisement No. 01/2011.
Post: Stipendiary Trainees.
Total No. of vacancies: 161.
You may apply in the prescribed manner to the Administrative Officer-III, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Facilities, Kalpakkam – 603 102, India so as to reach not later than 15/06/2011.
For details please visit:
Kerala PSC Recruitment to 34 Posts – May 2011
Kerala PSC has issued notification at their site www.keralapsc.org for recruitment to 34 Posts – Gazette Date: 16/05/2011.
1. Epigraphist in Archaeology.
2. Assistant Engineer (Electrical) in Apex Societies of Co-opeartive sector in Kerala.
3. Assistant Engineer (Electrical) in Kerala State Co-operative Bank Ltd.
4. Scientific Assistant (Biology) in Police (Forensic Science Laboratory).
5. Scientific Assistant (Physics) in Police (Forensic Science Laboratory).
6. Vocational Teacher-Dental Technology in Kerala Vocational Higher Secondary Education.
7. Photographer in Police (Forensic Science Laboratory).
8. Junior Documentation Assistant in Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd.
9. Demonstrator in Instrument Technology in Technical Education.
10. Junior Instructor (D/Mech) in Industrial Training.
11. Junior Instructor (FHT Trade) in Industrial Training.
12. Technical Assistant in Chemical Examiners Laboratory.
13. Vocational Instructor in (i) MLT (ii) Computer Application in Kerala Vocational Higher Secondary Education.
14. Vocational Instructor in Medical Laboratory Technician (By Transfer) in Kerala Vocational Higher Secondary Education.
15. Financial Assistant (By Transfer) in Various.
16. Driver (By Transfer) in Kerala State Co-operative Bank Ltd.
17. Night Watchman in Apex Societies of Co-operative Sector in Kerala.
18. Night Watchman (Society Category) in Apex Societies of Co-operative Sector in Kerala.
19. Laboratory Assistant in Pharmaceutical Corporation (IM) Kerala Ltd.
20. Medical Records Librarian Grade-II in Health Services.
21. Junior Laboratory Assistant in Medical Education.
22. L.D.Typist in Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd.
23. Boat Lascar in KTDC Hotels and Resorts Limited.
24. Research Officer in State Planning Board.
25. Group Instructor in Industrial Training.
26. Caretaker in Musuems and Zoos.
27. Lower Division StoreKeeper / Assistant Storekeeper in Industrial Training.
28. Senior Lecturer in Periodontoics in Medical Education (Dental Colleges).
29. Senior Lecturer in Orthodontics in Medical Education (Dental Colleges).
30. Higher Secondary School Teacher-Mathematics (Junior) in Kerala Higher Secondary Education.
31. Higher Secondary School Teacher-Physics (Junior) in Kerala Higher ondary Education.
32. Higher Secondary School Teacher-Urdu (Junior) in Kerala Higher Secondary Education.
33. Lecturer in Educational Psychology in Collegiate Education (Training Colleges).
You may apply online via website www.keralapsc.org. Last Date : 22/06/2011.
For details please visit:
Scientist C, D vacancy in DSIR – May 2011
Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) has issued notification at their site www.dsir.gov.in for filling up of posts of Scientists C and Scientist D – Advt No. DSIR/01/2011-Estt.
Name of Post: Scientist ‘C’.
No. of Vacancies: 06.
Name of Post: Scientist ‘D’.
No. of Vacancies: 03.
You may send your completed application (in the prescribed manner) to the Under Secretary (Estt.), Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110016, India within 45 days from 14/05/2011 (60 days for far-flung areas).
For details please visit:
Recruitment of Officer, Office Assistants in Pallavan Grama Bank – May 2011
Pallavan Grama Bank has issued notification at their site www.pallavangramabank.in for the Recruitment of Officer Scale I, Officer Scale-II – Group “A” & Office Assistant (Clerical Cadre) – Group “B”.
1. Officer Scale-II – Group “A” (06).
2. Officer Scale-I – Group “A” (23).
3. Office Assistants (Multipurpose) – Group “B” (55).
You may apply online through Bank website www.pallavangramabank.in from 24/05/2011 to 13/06/2011.
For details please visit:
Various posts in Goa Shipyard Limited – May 2011
Goa Shipyard Limited has issued notification at their site www.goashipyard.co.in for the recruitment to the following posts:
1. Pipe Fitter (On fixed term basis for 2 years) – 15.
2. Electrical Mechanic (On fixed term basis for 2 years) – 15.
3. Marine Fitter (On fixed term basis for 2years) – 15.
4. Structural Fitter (On fixed term basis for 02 years) – 15.
5. Welder Cutter (On fixed term basis for 02 years) – 15.
6. Cooks (On Fixed term Basis for 2 years) – 02.
7. Office Assistant (06 Nos. on fixed Term Basis for 02 years for Mumbai Office – 01, Delhi Office – 01 & Goa Office – 04) – 06.
8. Stenotypist (On fixed term basis for 02 years) – 01.
You may apply to The Chief General Manager (PERS. & ADMN.), Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Bhavan, Goa Shipyard Ltd, Vaddem, Vasco-Da-Gamma, Goa – 403 802, India in the prescribed manner latest by 31 May 2011.
For details please visit:
Hardware Technicians in HLL Lifecare Limited – May 2011
HLL Lifecare Limited has issued notification at their site http://careers.lifecarehll.com for the following post on fixed tenure basis for the Informtion Technology Division.
Position: Hardware Technicians.
Qualification: Diploma (Computer Engineering / Hardware Maintenance / Electronics).
You may apply online through website http://careers.lifecarehll.com. Last Date: 01/06/2011.
For details please visit:
Jobs in Jute Corporation of India Limited – May 2011
Jute Corporation of India Limited (JCI) has issued notification at their site www.jci.gov.in for the recruitment to following posts.
1. Marketing Manager – 4.
2. Manager (MIS / System) – 1.
3. Business Development Manager – 1.
4. Protocol Officer – 1.
You may apply in the prescribed proforma available in the website www.jci.gov.in. Send your applications to career@jci.gov.in. Last Date of Application: 23/06/2011.
For details please visit:
Manager, Clerks vacancy in Nainital Bank – May 2011
The Nainital Bank Ltd has issued notification at their site www.nainitalbank.co.in for the recruitment of Clerks & Manager (Law) in Officers Grade/Scale-II.
01. Clerks.
02. Manager (Law) in Officers Grade/Scale-II.
You may apply to The Chief Operating Officer, The Nainital Bank Limited, Head Office, Seven Oaks Building, Mallital, Nainital – 263 001, Uttarakhand, India in the prescribed manner upto 18/06/2011.
For details please visit:
Bank of Baroda Recruitment of 167 Specialist Officers – May 2011
Bank of Baroda has issued notification at their site www.bankofbaroda.com for recruitment of 167 Specialist Officers.
1. Manager (Finance) Chartered Accountants – 17.
2. Manager (Tech) – (Mech / Electrical / Chem / Civil) – 30.
3. Manager (Finance) – Credit – 23.
4. Manager (Finance) – SME – 4.
5. Manager (Treasury Operations) – 10.
6. Manager (Planning) – 13.
7. Manager (Risk Management) – 01.
8. Civil Engineers – 18.
9. Architects – 2.
10. Security Officers – 15.
11. Official Language Officers (Hindi Officers) – 34.
You may apply online through Bank’s website www.bankofbaroda.com. Last date: 16/06/2011.
For details please visit:
Research Engineers vacancy in C-DOT – May 2011
C-DOT has issued notification at their site www.cdot.co.in for recruitment of Senior Research Engineers & Research Engineers.
1. Senior Research Engineers (Digital Hardware Development).
2. Senior Research Engineer (Systems Software Development)
3. Senior Research Engineers (Wireless Software Development).
4. Senior Research Engineers (Wireless Hardware Development).
5. Senior Research Engineers (Optical Network Software Development).
6. Research Engineers (Management Software – LCT).
7. Senior Research Engineer (Hardware Development).
You may apply by email. Forward your applications in the prescribed format to hrd@cdotd.ernet.in within 15/06/2011.
For details please visit:
CPCL Special Recruitment Drive for Persons with Disabilities – May 2011
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL) has issued notification at their site www.cpcl.co.in for the following Supervisory and Non-supervisory positions (only for Persons with Disabilities).
1. Senior Officer (R&D) – 01.
2. Engineer – Electrical – 01.
3. Hindi Translator – 01.
4. Steno Typist – 01.
You may sent your complete application in the prescribed manner to The Senior Manager (Personnel), Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited, Post Box No. 1, Manali, Chennai – 600 068, India so as to reach latest by 30/06/2011.
For details please visit:
Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor in Central University of Bihar – May 2011
Central University of Bihar has issued notification at their site www.cub.ac.in for faculty positions at the levels of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor on contract basis – Advertisement No. – CUB/Advt./09 dated 20th May, 2011.
1. Professor.
2. Associate Professor.
3. Assistant Professor.
You may sent your completed application to the Registrar, Central University of Bihar, Camp Office: BIT Campus, P.O. – B.V. College, Patna – 80 00 14 (Bihar), India on or before 20/06/2011.
For details please visit:
UPSC Recruitment Advertisement No. 10/2011 – May 2011
UPSC has issued notification at their site www.upsc.gov.in for the following posts – Recruitment Advertisement No. 10/2011.
1. Marketing Officers – 38.
2. Senior Scientific Officers (Grade-I Electronics) – 3.
3. Senior Scientific Officers (Grade-I Metallurgy) – 4.
4. Senior Scientific Officers (Grade-II in Armament Discipline) – 3.
5. Additional Government Advocates – 4.
6. Assistant Legal Advisers – 7.
7. Assistant Programmers – 8.
You may apply online through the website www.upsconline.nic.in. Last date to submit online application is 16/06/2011.
For details please visit:
Bank of Maharashtra Recruitment of Specialist Officers – May 2011
Bank of Maharashtra has issued notification at their site www.bankofmaharashtra.in for the following post of Specialist Officers in various grades.
1. Networking Administrator – 3.
2. Hardware Engineers – 3.
3. Database Administrators – 3.
4. Software Programmer – 3.
5. IT Support Administrator – 3.
6. Security Officers – 26.
7. Law Officers – 38.
8. Specialist Officers (Economists) – 3.
You may apply online through Bank’s Website www.bankofmaharashtra.in between 24/05/2011 to 14/06/2011.
For details please visit:
Assistant Manager, Assistant Engineer in Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology – May 2011
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi (IIIT-D) has issued notification at their site www.iiitd.ac.in for the positions of Assistant Manager (Library & Information Service), Assistant Manager (Research & Projects) and Assistant Engineer (MEP).
1. Assistant Manager (Library & Information Service).
2. Assistant Manager (Research & Projects).
3. Assistant Engineer (MEP).
You may apply in the prescribed proforma to The Deputy General Manager, IIIT Delhi, 3rd Floor, Library Bldg., NSIT Campus, Dwarka, Sector 3, New Delhi – 110 078, India by 15/06/2011.
For details please visit:
Technical Assistant in Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology – May 2011
Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology (SCTIMST) has issued notification at their site www.sctimst.ac.in for the post of Technical Assistant (Lab) – Walkin Interview.
Post: Technical Assistant (LAB) – Temporary.
Walkin Venue: IV FLOOR, Achutha Menon Centre for Health Science Studies of the Institute at Medical College Campus, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Date & Time: 03/06/2011, 10:00 AM
For details please visit:
SPMCIL Recruitment of Technical, Finance & HR Posts – May 2011
Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India Ltd. (SPMCIL) has issued notification at their site www.spmcil.com for Recruitment of Technical, Finance & HR Posts – Advt.No.03/2011-OP.
1. Dy. General Manager (Marketing) – 1.
2. Manager (Technical) – 3.
3. Dy. Manager (Paper) – 1.
4. Dy. Manager (Technical) – Electronic & Instrumentation – 1 and Electrical – 1.
5. Dy. Manager (Ink Factory) – 1.
6. Dy. Manager (Quality Assurance) – 2.
7. Dy. Manager (HR) – 5.
8. Dy. Manager (Finance & Accounts) – 5.
9. Deputy Manager (IT) – 2.
10. Dy. Manager (Materials) – 4.
11. Officer (Materials) – 6.
12. Officer (IT) – 8.
13. Executive Assistant – 1.
14. Junior Secretary – 4.
You may apply to the Officer (HR), Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India Ltd., 16th Floor, Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan, Janpath, New Delhi – 110 001, India in the prescribed manner latest by Jun 18, 2011.
For details please visit:
JNU vacancies for non-teaching posts – May 2011
Jawaharlal Nehru Universtiy (JNU) has issued notification at their site www.jnu.ac.in for recruitment to the following non-teaching posts – Advertisement No.I/2011/Admn.I.
1. Medical Officer – 1.
2. Senior Assistant – 12.
3. Personal Assistant – 5
4. Junior Engineer (Elect.) – 1.
5. Pharmacist – 1.
6. Stenographer – 14.
7. Jr. Asstt.-cum-Typist – 7.
You may apply in the prescribed format to Dy. Registrar (Admn.) in Room No. 304 (O/o Deputy Registrar, Admn.), Administrative Block, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi – 110067 within 30 days from 28/05/2011.
For details please visit:
Various Vacancies in UIDAI – May 2011
Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has issued notification at their site www.uidai.gov.in for Technical posts in Bangalore Tech Centre, Data Centre and Delhi Data Centre.
1. Principal System Analyst / Principal Technical Officer – 4.
2. Senior System Analyst / Senior Technical Officer – 9.
3. Deputy Director – 1.
4. Technical Officer – 9.
5. Section Officer – 3.
You may sent your complete applications to:
1. For the posts in Bangalore Technology Centre & Data Centre: Deputy Director General, UIDAI Technology Centre, First Floor Office-II, Salapuria Touchstone Building, Marathahalli-Sargapur Outer Ring Road, Bangalore – 560 087, India.
2. For the posts in Delhi-NCR Data Centre: Assistant Director General (Estt), Unique Identification Authority of India, 2nd Floor, Tower – I, Jeevan Bharati Building, Connaught Circus, New Delhi – 110 001, India.
Last date: 30 June 2011.
For details please visit:
Job Opportunities in National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research – May 2011
The National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (NIPER) has issued notification at their site www.niper.gov.in to fill the following vacant posts – Adv. No.10/2011.
1. Principal Library & Information Officer – 1.
2. Head Computer Centre – 1.
3. Principal Scientific Officer – 1.
4. Deputy Registrar (Finance & Accounts) – 1.
5. System Engineer – 1.
6. Chief Maintenence Engineer – 1.
7. Technical Supervisor Grade-I / Scientist Grade-I – 20.
8. Assistant Registrar (Examination) – 1.
9. Public Relation Officer – 1.
10. Assistant Engineer (Civil) – 1.
11. Programmer – 1.
12. Section Officer (Accounts) – 1.
13. Technical Assistant – 3.
14. Assistant Grade-II – 2.
15. Guest House Incharge – 1.
16. Artist / DTP Operator – 1.
17. Assistant Grade-III – 4.
18. Junior Technical Assistant – 9.
19. Stenographer Grade ‘D’ – 1.
20. Driver – 5.
You may sent completed application forms to The Recruitment Cell, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Sector 67, SAS Nagar (Mohali) – 160 062, India within 30 days from 30/05/2011.
For details please visit:
Executive Director, General Manager in BEML Limited – June 2011
BEML Limited has issued notification at their site www.bemlindia.com for the following positions – Advt.No. KP/S/13/2011 dated 01.06.2011.
1. Executive Director / Chief General Manager (Marketing).
2. General Manager (Marketing).
3. General Manager (International Business).
You may apply online through website www.bemlindia.com. The last date for submission of application by on-line is 21/06/2011 by 1745 Hrs.
For details please visit:
Delhi University Special Recruitment Drive (PWD) – June 2011
University of Delhi has issued notification at their site www.du.ac.in for the following posts – Advt. No. Estab. IV/225/2011.
1. Assistant Director, DHMI – 1.
2. System Programmer / System Manager / System Analyst – 1.
3. Senior Technical Assistant (Computer) – 1.
You may apply in the prescribed application format to the Registrar, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007, India latest by 15/07/2011 upto 5 PM.
For details please visit:
Haryana Public Service Commission Recruitment – June 2011
Haryana Public Service Commission has issued notification at their site www.hpsc.gov.in for recruitment to the following posts – Advertisement No. 2.
1. Assistant Town Planner (Class-II) in Urban Local Bodies Department, Haryana – 4.
2. District Welfare Officer (Group- B) in Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes Department, Haryana – 4.
3. District Information and Public Relations Officer (Group-B) in Information Public Relations and Cultural Affairs Department, Haryana – 2.
4. District Fisheries Officer / District Fisheries Officer-cum-Chief Executive Officer / Fisheries Research Officer / Fisheries Farm Manager (Group-B) in Fisheries Department, Haryana – 4.
Last Date: 30/06/2011.
For details please visit:
Scientists vacancy in Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute – June 2011
Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute has issued notification at their site www.cgcri.res.in for recruitment of Scientists (Group IV Staff) – Advertisement No. 03/2011.
1. Scientist Group IV(2) – 12 posts.
2. Scientist Group IV(3) – 7 posts.
3. Scientist Group IV(5) – 2 posts.
You may apply to the Senior Controller of Administration, Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute, 196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road, Kolkata – 700 032, India in the specified manner on or before 01/08/2011.
For details please visit:
Teaching Posts in University of Kota – June 2011
University of Kota (UOK) has issued notification at their site www.uok.ac.in for appointement on regular basis for the following unreserved posts – Advertisement no. 01/2011.
1. Professor – 02 posts.
2. Associate Professor – 10 posts.
3. Assistant Professor – 11 posts.
You may apply in the manner specified to the office of Registrar, University of Kota, Kota, Rajasthan, India so as to reach on or before 02/07/2011.
For details please visit: